- PM Modi dedicated IIT Jodhpur to the nation, inaugurated projects and sustainability initiatives
Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jodhpur’s campus to the nation today. He hailed the collaborative efforts between IIT Jodhpur and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Jodhpur, emphasising their contributions to the field of medical technology.
“The partnership between IIT Jodhpur and AIIMS Jodhpur has opened new horizons in medical technology, with the potential to boost medical tourism. Both institutions are fast becoming not just premier entities in Rajasthan, but in the entire nation,” remarked Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
During the ceremony, Prime Minister Modi also dedicated various projects at IIT Jodhpur to the nation, including the Centre for Education and Technology for Education (CETE), a Transdisciplinary Centre of Excellence in Integrative Precision Health and an Ayurtech Center of Excellence. These initiatives are set to revolutionize education and healthcare technology.
Moreover, IIT Jodhpur’s commitment to sustainability was showcased through a range of initiatives, including smart water supply grids, innovative irrigation systems and wetland restoration.
Santanu Chaudhury, Director of IIT Jodhpur, expressed gratitude for the Prime Minister’s recognition, underscoring the institution’s dedication to technological advancements, research and quality education, particularly in the realm of medical technology.
The event shed light on IIT Jodhpur’s cultural heritage and vibrant academic environment, solidifying its status as a pioneer in education and innovation.