UPES and CERN Revolutionise Physics Research

  • UPES signed a Memorandum of Understanding with CERN, aiming to revolutionise particle physics research through Future Circular Collider project

The University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun, inked with CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research, Switzerland) to transform the field of particle physics research through a joint endeavor ‘Future Circular Collider (FCC) project’. Teachers and students can participate in research and study to evaluate the tunnel’s surface areas and its geological, technical, environmental and administrative issues, gain practical experience in particle physics and work with the world’s scientific community.

Future Circular Collider (FCC) project is led by UPES scholars is installed in a circular tunnel 100–400 meters underground on the France-Switzerland border and it will connect the two nations across 91 kilometers.

The ‘Belle II’ GRID Computing Centre, UPES is located in an underground Japanese facility at KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation). The university has joined organisations from the USA, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Russia, Japan, Korea, Australia and other countries in the GRID Computing Club.

The main aim of ‘Belle II GRID Computing Centre’ is to distribute and integrate GRID computing technology and to promotes scientific research innovation.

The students of UPES School of Computer Science trained in the ‘Belle II GRID’ technology have been offered funded MS/PhD positions at universities in the United States.

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